Monday, 15 June 2009

Studio images from Saturday 13th June

HI Everyone

Firstly what a great weekend I had, Erika & I went along to the comedy store in Manchester. Erika is now 5 months pregnant which is just awesome, but i was a little concerned with the belly laughing at one point. Happy times! :-)

I also spent a day in the studio on saturday with three great people, which was just fabulous so here are a few from hundreds of shots from the day which i've picked out for you to have a peek at.

I'm really excited about how this time spent stepping back & learning new techniques is going to push my wedding & portrait work to a new level.

As always i'd love to hear your feedback

Thanks, Andy


  1. Nice work Andy, beautifully lit shots.

  2. Why thankyou Paul. I appreciate your feedback.

  3. Great images Andy, well done.

    Dave Nunn

  4. Superb images Andy, the second and third are top drawer magazine quality. Well done.


  5. Great work Andy - the second one is stunning. I'm left wondering how you managed the lighting, I love it.

  6. Nice work Andy, great images and lighting.
